Gratitude Lives Here
Throughout November, our guests shared their gratitude by writing heartfelt letters about what they’re thankful for. Here are their inspiring words.
“I am thankful for a chance to start fresh with a new chapter in my life by living in a sober environment at the St. Francis House.”
— Veronica
“I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food to eat. The St. Francis House have also been a huge support in providing me with clothing and finding a job. I know if I have a problem or need to be pointed in the right direction the staff will help me. I’m very thankful and happy to have the opportunity to be a guest here and get my life back together! Thank you so much!!
— Sandra
“I am thankful for the opportunity to get my life back on track. The ability to be given another try at the St. Francis House helps me know I am supported. Being in a good environment and the employees who work at the house truly care about me being successful!”
— Taylor
“I am thankful I have a roof over my head. I am thankful for the opportunity that has been given to me by the St. Francis House. I am thankful that I have a job and I am saving money. I am thankful that there is great staff at the St. Francis House. I am thankful for the chance to turn my life around. I am also thankful for the car that was gifted to me by a donor of the St. Francis House!”
- Al
“I am so thankful for a warm, dry roof over my head. Also, for the great staff this house provides us to help us get ahead in life… forever grateful!”
— Madrid
“I am so thankful for many things this year. Being able to be a mom and raise my little boy. My freedom. My family. All the generous donations and people in our community that help people staying at the house. My sobriety and learning more about myself. Being able to come back to the St. Francis House and have another chance to work the program. Most important to me right now is God. I am thankful he loves me unconditionally forever!”
— Anonymous
“I am thankful for the opportunity to live at the St. Francis House, to start to rebuild my life as a sober person. I’m grateful for the staff's help and support to help me with shelter and clothing. Also, all the resources to be able to find a job, and giving me responsibilities by giving us chores, rules and curfew so that we can have accountability for our actions as well as helping me stay sober and accomplish my goals!”
- Noemi
“I am thankful for each & every volunteer who takes the time out of their day to come and make ours a little better. For the food & clothes we receive and for how helpful everyone is to us. Thank you everyone!”
- Anonymous
“The opportunity to be here at the St. Francis House. It’s a beautiful facility. My Job. The clothes we are given so I can go to my job. The bike I ride each day to work. The food we are given each day at the house. A warm place to sleep each night. The exercise room in our new home, so I take care of myself. The good people who work here and volunteer. I moved here hoping this place would give me a fresh start I needed. I will be leaving the St. Francis House debt FREE! Thank you!”
— Sunny
“I’m thankful I have been able to turn a hard time in my life into something positive by working two jobs, saving money and paying off my fines!”
— Anna
“I am thankful for a safe place to come home to each day. Having my sobriety. I am thankful for the amazing people who work at the St. Francis House. It’s so nice having people to talk to and to go to for advice who have my best interests at heart. I am thankful I don’t have to sleep outside or in my broken down truck. I am thankful for not being hungry and feeling lost. I am so happy that I found an amazing job. I am so thankful to be welcomed back with open arms/ This is my 5th time here at the St. Francis House. I don’t know if I would be alive if it were not for this place. Thank God for the St. Francis House. Thankful for all the people who are involved with this amazing home!”
- Anonymous
“I am thankful for feeling safe & secure here. I am thankful for the people I have met. Also, the wonderful food and volunteers who bring them. I am also thankful for my sobriety & freedom. Something that I would not have if I were not at the St. Francis House.”
— Amy
“I am thankful for the ability to work and pay off my fines. I am also thankful for the beautiful new home to live in, especially the workout room so I can reach my fitness goals.”
- Mandy
“I’m thankful I have been able to turn a hard time in my life into something positive by working two jobs, saving money and paying off my fines!”
— Anna
“I am thankful for the opportunity to have another chance to work the program at the St. Francis House. I am thankful to live in this beautiful new home and be able to save money and pay off my debts.”
- Josh
“There are so many things I am thankful for. My children and family. My health. My job. For the clothing from donors at the St. Francis House. For all the good meals we are served. For all the staff members at the St. Francis House. For all the good people who donate to the St. Francis House. The winter coats we just received. I am very thankful to be alive and to be here at the St. Francis House on a new sober path in life!”
- Anonymous
“I am thankful for the support I receive everyday at the St. Francis House. Also, the opportunities to get my life on track to being a better parent, sister, aunt and overall person. I’m also thankful for the people that donate the things like clothing, food and items we cannot afford while we are trying to get back on our feet. I appreciate the time the volunteers give helping serve meals and helping with projects. Mostly, I am thankful for God for making this all possible!”
- Mary
“I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food to eat. The St. Francis House have also been a huge support in providing me with clothing and finding a job. I know if I have a problem or need to be pointed in the right direction the staff will help me. I’m very thankful and happy to have the opportunity to be a guest here and get my life back together! Thank you so much!!”
— Sandra
“I am so very thankful for:
My kids - they brighten my day. They make me laugh, smile - I love them and I know they love me.
Another opportunity to get custody of my kids. I will do my best and what I can do to get their mother back to them.
My job - I enjoy every bit of my work. I have learned my job and it makes me feel welcomed and very appreciated.
I am thankful for all the clothing, shoes, and makeup provided to me by the St. Francis House.
I am most thankful for God - being able to pray to him whenever I need him to help guide me to stay on my new path in life!”
- Shihela