Case management services are provided to each guest to address their immediate needs, provide community referrals as needed and assist with progressing to their goals. Once our guests move into their regular housing, time-limited case management services focuses on helping our guests solve problems that may arise and to connect individuals and families with community services to meet longer-term needs, while they are living in the community.
While acknowledging and addressing the personal factors that contribute to homelessness, the housing first methodology was designed to more effectively address the economic root causes of the problem: poverty and the lack of affordable housing. The program provides a critical link between the emergency/transitional housing system and the community-based social service, educational and health care organizations that bring about neighborhood integration and family self-sufficiency. The approach deals with the interrelated problems that homeless people face: poverty, economic development, social infrastructure and housing. Services are provided in an integrated, holistic manner to place our guests, not only back into housing, but into communities. It involves them in economic and social services after they are stabilized in permanent housing and are no longer traumatized by the crisis of homelessness.